Knitting Paradise
I haven't had much time to knit lately. Too busy getting ready for the move (only two more weeks). The good news...the thought that keeps me going...I will have a knitting room soon! Yes, there is a room in our new house that is all mine and that I will turn into a knitting haven. The room once had a closet, but the doors have been removed. I'd say the room is about 12 feet by 12 feet...maybe (I'm not so good at estimating space).
Here is where you come in. I'm trying to decide how to organize said knitting paradise. Should I put my yarn in plastic bins? Should I install cubbies to store my stash? I have a LOT of yarn (but really, not too much, as one can never have too much). What else should I have in my room? A couch? A table? A wall covered with cork board to pin up ideas/patterns? What do you think? Post your suggestions in the comments. Thanks!
~ Christina