A stitch in time...thoughts from an addicted knitter.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stitches West 2008

I missed Stitches West 2007 because my son was only a couple of weeks old. So I was really looking forward to the event this year. My husband even agreed to watch our son the whole weekend as a Birthday present for me.

After picking-up my badge I made it to the Ravelry meet-up for about 45 minutes on Thursday night. It was so great to see so many knitting friends that I've missed this past year.

My plan was to then come back on Saturday to walk the market and then to work in the KnitWhits/Bobbin's Nest Studio booth at 1pm and then to head over to the shop for the Yarn Release Party that night.

On Friday night I came down with a really bad case of the flu. Chills, fever, achy body, pounding head, the works. I was so bummed. I stayed in bed all day on Saturday, coming out to eat, drink and blow my nose.

On Sunday I decided I just had to go to the Market for an hour. I really wanted some yarn from Brooks Farm and I couldn't wait another year. I barely remember stumbling around the show floor, but my purchases are evidence that I was indeed there.

Brooks Farm Duet in 23 & 25; Brooks Farm Primero in 160; Koigu KPM in 1113 & 4000; Koigu KPPPM in 325; buttons from "Buttons!"

Hopefully I'll get to go next year?

~ Christina


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you got sick -- bummer! Awesome that you pulled it together for an hour on Sunday, looks like you scored some great stuff. Here's to a health 2009!!

12:38 PM


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