A stitch in time...thoughts from an addicted knitter.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Stitches West Classes

Class Registration is open for Stitches West! I'm considering signing up for these two classes, but was wondering if anyone has taken a class from Edie and would recommed her as an instructor? I'd love to know what you think, thanks!

Crochet for Knitters
Edie Eckman
Saturday from 8:30-11:30am

Not Over 'Til It's Finished
Edie Eckman
Sunday from 1:30-4:30pm

~ Christina


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took a knitting math-type class with Edie Eckman last year at Stitches. Didn't love the class as there too great a range of abilities / personalities -- from the math phobic to "I work at a yarn shop and know EVERYTHING," that bogged things down a bit -- but Edie was great, kept things moving along, and had good handouts.

Good luck!

11:47 AM

Blogger Christina said...

Definitely Julia! Stitches is right after my Birthday so I usually get “yarn money” to spend at the Marketplace. So fun!

Thanks for the comment about Edie SequinK

~ Christina

11:49 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I think I took the same class as sequink! She's a great teacher, made sure it wasn't "scary", and kept the class involved. I'd recommend her anyday.

12:18 PM

Blogger Wiz Knitter said...

I took the crochet for knitters last year from Edie, and that's why I can crochet! I thought she was great, although get yourself in the front row if you can.

6:32 PM

Blogger Christina said...

Ok, cool. Thanks for the comments. I signed up for both the classes. Hopefully they work out great!

~ Christina

7:14 PM


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