A stitch in time...thoughts from an addicted knitter.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sweet & Easy Baby Quilt Class

For my Birthday this year my sister Lissa gave me a "Sweet & Easy Baby Quilt Class" at Bobbin's Nest Studio (thanks Lis!).

The class was two sessions that were about 2 hours each. There are only two students so that we got lots of individual attention. Rita, the instructor was very patient and really knowledgeable. Plus I LOVE the sock monkey and polka dot fabric that I purchased at Bobbin's Nest Studio for the project.

To summarize: I had a blast, I learned a lot, and I have a cute new baby quilt that I made. So cool. I can't wait to make my next one!

~ Christina

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Demand The Yarn Harlot Comes to the Bay Area

I missed the last two times that the Yarn Harlot (aka Stephanie Pearl-McPhee) came to the area for a book tour. Now when I actually think I could make it to an event she isn't coming here...at least not yet. I found a post on Ravelry that links to a "Demand" sight where you can "demand" that Stephanie come to your town. So if you want to try and get her here, visit this site http://eventful.com/demand/D0-001-001443191-4 and click "Demand" on the top right of the screen.

~ Christina

Saturday, March 01, 2008

The House That Yarn Built

Bogie posted about a great charity organization and I wanted to share the details with you as well (Thanks Bogie!).

Make It Right welcomes groups and organizations who are willing to work together in raising money to sponsor an entire home for those displaced by Hurricane Katrina.

Christy is heading up a drive for The House that Yarn Built, a fund that the fiber faithful are contributing to build a NOLA house. If you contribute to The House that Yarn built, you can be eligible for:

- Fabulous fibery prizes that Christy will be giving away, generously donated for the cause. Once you've donated, send your name to Christy (christy@thehousethatyarnbuilt.com) to be entered in her drawing.

- A gift basket that Jenny and Nicole (Stash & Burn) put together when they shopped at the Stitches West Marketplace. Once you've donated, let Jenny and Nicole know in an email (stashandburn@gmail.com) with the subject heading: The House that Yarn Built and you'll be in their drawing. The deadline for the Stash & Burn drawing is March 18th.

Ready to donate? Go to Make It Right 9, click on "Click here to donate", then click the "Make Donation" button. Make sure you choose team "The House that Yarn Built" in the dropdown menu of the donation form.

~ Christina